Monday, February 17, 2014

Why I Will Not Be Competing in the 2018 Olympics

We all have different talents. Some people are good at music. Others super smart. Olympic athletes are pretty good at sports. Me? Well somehow I didn't get the athletic gene. In fact, I may have got the unathletic gene. Example: During my freshman year of high school we were supposed to run two laps as a warm-up. In order to run as little as possible, I hugged the inside of the track with my feet. Unfortunately, I got distracted by my untied shoe and looked down. The result. I tripped over myself and ended up with the track in my knee. Despite my unintentional somersault, it didn't look horrible. Just a little blood mashed with asphalt. In fact, when I completed lap one and showed off my injuries, instead of granting my request to go and clean up, I was asked if I could handle another lap. Being a bit of a people pleaser, I obliged. 

At first, my accident didn't appear to be a big deal. But then I started feeling nauseous and dizzy. It wasn't long before my vision went blurry. I remember that my body didn't quite listen to my brain. This time, when I asked if I could sit out for the rest of class, my teacher agreed, telling me I looked very pale. In the moment, my brain wasn't working well. Plus, it was the last class of the day. However, my mom quickly put together what had happened to me. Any ideas? I'll include a link with hints if your not sure. 


The point of this funny/pathetic story is that I am not very coordinated. We will not be discussing physical education faculties judgement on kids that fall during class. Or how they just let you leave when it appears you might pass out... 

Basically, I am not very good at sports. The only sport that I excel in is water-sliding and unfortunately, that sport hasn't quite made it to the competitive level yet. (Note, when it does, I will be the person wearing the gold medal.)

 While many "non-athletes" dislike sports, I am not one of them. I enjoyed a variety of intramurals in college. They included flag-football, soccer, basketball, and my favorite, inter tube water polo.  However, what I really like is cheering for a team. Hence, the reason I was on so many teams in college. And I AM really good a supporting/cheering for teams. 

 Below is a picture of me giving high-fives to all the BYU football players. The opportunity was awarded to me because the event staff was impressed with my cheering. They may have called me the "fan of the game." 

The Olympics gives me the ultimate chance to get behind a team. I mean, what American doesn't want the chance to cheer for their country? So, Saturday morning I was up at 6 am, watching the America verse Russia hockey game. I was in my pjs, surrounded by kleenex (I had a cold), with my laptop.

After the USA got its first goal, I started moving my arm and whispering, "USA, USA, USA" over and over again. I had to be quite; my roommates were still asleep. As the game became more intense, I could hear the Russians cheering over my speakers. Again, my USA chant came out in a whisper. When American one, I couldn't contain my excitement. Shrieks started to come out. Luckily, it was no longer 6 am. 

Feeling full of USA spirit, I wished I could do more to support my country. Knowing that I couldn't do anything except cheer, I decided to look up clips from other Olympic events. That is when I found luge and I had an epiphany. 

The same skill set that would have made me a champion water-slider is used in the luge!!! I got really excited to go to South Korea to compete in the 2018 Olympics. But then I realized, that I couldn't train for the Olympics and continue with grad school. I had a decisions to make. Would I spend my time training on water-slides or continue with my education? In the end, I decided that for me, getting my masters degree will provide more long-term success. Therefore, I must wish the athletes the best of luck and I will continue to pursue my athletic endeavors on a recreational level. 

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